Real Beauty


Beauty comes from the soul. The word 'beautiful' does not signify the perfection of external appearance.
Beauty comes from the heart and form the mind. Beauty  has nothing to do with 'make-up or lacquer ' and It has no connection with the complexion we wear. It is something that is hard to resist.
It is love, the warm smile that you wear is the true make up and the happines which haunts the beauty and enhances your elegance. And the one which creates the positivity in you, The recipie of beauty.
Even though they consider having big eyes, large fore head and wide cheeks and plush lips as beauty in modeling agencies, the beauty truly comes from the beautiful mindset.

Beauty is not Chosen
Beauty is not compromisable
Beauty is not something which is imperfect
or either ill favoured.

It lures with in the love, happiness, joy, and serenity. It absolutely has nothing to do with size zero, grey hair, wrinkles or other imperfections related to the skin.
Everything in the nature is either related or proven to be beautiful. It comes from the spark it creates and the depth is has. It can be experienced in a flower, new born baby, plants , animals, earth ,people and the entire universe.
Our famous noble writers such as William Shakespeare, John keates, Percy Shelley always praise the beauty of women by the means of her mind. Remember beauty is not something which is judged. Oprah Winfrey, Diana Princess of whales, Hilary Clinton, beyoncé, Madonna, Ellen DeGenere, Serina Williams, SaniaMirza, Mc Mary Kom, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Chanda kochhar and many more such female noble personalities are considerd as beauty charming with extraordinary etiquette.

"Beauty is seen in the eyes of your mother
Beauty is seen in the eyes of a lover
Beauty is seen in the eyes of the person close to your heart
Beauty is seen in the eyes of YOU "
Remember always YOU ARE BEAUTIFULL.

'Beauty is innocence
Beauty is passion
Beauty is courage
Beauty is flawless'




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